Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Service Camp 2011 launched...

This is Quynh Kieu, pediatrician, president and factotum/gofer for Project Vietnam Foundation. Finally the main team for the Summer Service Camp has departed. Months of preparations, years in the making, contributions from hundreds is coming together for real, without even a test drive.
Again and every time, the palpitations upon sending the group off...
This year we hit new heights:
-5th year and largest team of 94 people by last count...65 students from 3 countries - US, Canada & France.
-for the first time 2 student leaders non-Vietnamese-speakers, Alex and Zach. This took a complete reversal of our initial thinking, a new experiment successful pre-camp phase as they connected really well with the campers.
Yesterday while the team was in the air, about 30 people, we had some excitement. In Taipeh, the group leader, Paul emailed "we have 2 missing students" which triggered a search for information and calls to 2 families in California. It turns out that they are departing from San Francisco and supposed to join in Taipeh but have not shown up yet. 2 worried families and multiple calls from Alvin's...Well, there is nothing we can do until they land, calls to the land crew and Jimmy, logistics manager.
Mai & Nghi, parents to Aileen -first time camper, first time away from home for substantial time, first time overseas- came over to share the vigil for the campers. Connections by phone with various parents, anxious and excited... For Vietnamese parents, this is a new experience...which prepares them for the college separation. Checking the flight, airline website, sharing with other parents...when they came unanounced, I said "missing Aileen already?", Mai responded "no way, we are busy with plenty to do" , denial, denial...we have been there.
Ooh well, what is new? Being parent is an ever-exciting journey for those of you out there who live it! ourselves included. On our March 2011 medical mission, Monica came as a 4th year medical student. She learned so much, and we treasured the opportunity to work as a family albeit sporadically... the comradery of working as colleagues with the same patient in the surgery room as she assists Dr. Michael Miller, one of our best plastic surgeons for medical missions, hearing her comments as team member...
On this trip, several parents are taking that road to share in the experience. They are part of Team S (for Support) which provides the professionals and advisors/counselors/translators for the students.
When Alex, student leader, stated "everyone is accounted for" big sigh of relief, and quick phone calls to the families of Alvin and Leslie, the "missing" students. Then another concern "we are missing 2 people who are supposed to join us at the airport" . It turns out Tuan will come to Ben Tre and Ha has not reponded to emails and even contact attempts from her friend in the US. But she has been in Vietnam with family for several weeks now and knows her way around. Hopefully we will find her as her contribution is needed as a pharmacy student.
Today, the team of Journalism students at Cal State Fullerton will be presenting their coverage on our Medical Mission March 2011, at 3pm in Little Saigon. We will discuss our workplan and hope for many questions.
Please come back to follow blogs from the travelers.

1 comment:

  1. The "real" thing doesn't need a test drive, Bac si Quynh, thanks to the commitment from leaders like you.
