Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ben Tre Orphanage

The number of orphans in Vietnam continues to grow due to poverty and many other factors.

A young girl carries her plate of food to the dinning area in one of the largest orphanages in Ben Tre, Vietnam. Most orphans in Vietnam are female due to law that mandates when a daughter marries, half of her families land must go to the husband.
Clothes dry on hangers after an afternoon of rain.
A medical aid worker from Project Vietnam gives care to a permanently disabled child who lives in one of the many orphanages in Ben Tre, Vietnam.
After a long day and many mouths fed, workers start to clean the dishes used to cook dinner for the children who call this orphanage in Ben Tre Province home.

1 comment:

  1. Madam, Sir,
    "Thinh" is a non-profit organization established in January 2009, based in Vietnam and in France. This office is composed of French and Vietnamese volunteers as doctors, teachers or health specialists. It uses partner’s networks (as associations, medical institutions or physiotherapists) in France and in Vietnam.
    The aim of the association is to share medical experiences by training and transmitting good clinical practices and information to nurses, educational staff and families who take care of handicapped children. Our fields of expertise are mantel’s handicaps, psychic’s handicaps or physical’s handicaps and our interventions are targeted to orphanages and schools around Ho Chi Minh City’s area
    Since the creation of the Thinh’s association, 8 stays have been organized in Ho Chi Minh City and we have tried to set up custom-made actions:
    - In the Tam Binh’s orphanage for 1 year,
    - In Go Vap for 5 years,
    - In Thi Nghe for 4 years,
    - In Binh Gia’s school
    - In May Linh for 2 years
    We willl be this year still in Thi Nghe’s orphanage . We will stay in Vietnam in October or November. We would like to take advantage of this coming to visit other orphanages and to study the opportunity to plan our future missions (in 2020 and 2021).
    Would it be possible for you to provide us a list of orphanages (name; address; phone number and people to contact). As previously written, our geographical area may go from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi and around or other big vietnameese city as Hué or Can Tho.
    Thank you very much in advance. Best regards
    KOWALSKI Jean Claude for “Thinh” association www.facebook association thinh
