From Alex Nguyen - 3 years veteran camper & Team Leader
Finally home in the US! The last two weeks have been such a surreal experience in Vietnam. Traveling in the North through Hai Duong, Ha Long, and Hanoi was a vastly different experience than I had in the South. The people we interacted with, the food we tried, the heat we suffered through, all of it was a learning experience.
Thank you volunteer for these past two weeks. Although our visit was short and bittersweet, we were able to touch over 3500 lives. Thank you Christofu, Emmeline, Jacob, Kevin, Antony, Chris, and the Assistant Team leaders for returning and creating an outstanding student team this year. There was a lot of pre-camp drama and there were times when the camp was almost cut, but we made it through. Thanks to my roommate for putting up with me. Lastly, thanks Team A for being such a great team to work with. We had our fun, our moments, and now our memories. I hope to meet all of you again in the future!
From Duc Tran - 2year veteran who fundraised his own camp cost through pizzas events, car washes and Church dinners.
It's now 4:30AM in Vietnam...i leave for the airport in four hours to begin the journey home. Hanoi, Hai Duong, Ha Long Bay, you've been real, but i can not wait to get home and see everyone again. To all the old friends that i rekindled with during this trip, you're all the most amazing people I've met in quite the while and i'm so glad a majority of us are local with each other! To the new members to our PVNF Family, you've all worked so hard and never and i mean NEVER take what you've done these past two weeks for granted. you've touched the lives of over 3000 people, made new life long friends, and you'll honestly never forget this mission that you've all participated in. To Team C!, Ya'll a bunch of skeezys!, just kidding, you all have no idea how much you mean to me. We may not have hung out as much as other teams as a whole, but i truly feel like we made friendships so amazing, that you'll all learn to deal with each other eventually . PVNF 2013, i'd love to write more, but at this point, i've lost all words to describe how much you mean to me at the moment.
Love you PVNF Summer 2013 Family!, and i'm coming home fellas!
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